Welcome to the first edition of Inspection Insights for 2025. During the past six
months of 2024, 224 inspection reports have been published. Almost 75% of these
have been rated good, and just over 12% rated outstanding, with 87% graded good
or better. We have seen a progressive reduction in those not yet good to around
13% and a significant drop on 42% just over a year ago.
While data outcomes look much better, a familiar set of themes dominates most
inspections. Over the past six months, providing feedback to learners has been a
standard AFI identified in many inspections. So, how does your provision address
this? Is anyone in the leadership team providing CPD and being mindful that
you have new cohorts of learners who may not have benefited from previous staff
CPD on the topic? How well are leaders sampling feedback and asking learners
their views on what feedback would help them progress better? Until recently,
staff CPD, developing pedagogy skills was our most common AFI and, together
with QA, remains a common weakness.
FIN Members – To read the full Insights newsletter for this month, click here.