
August Insights 2024

“There is no such thing as too much horsepower, just not enough traction.” – Carroll Shelby

The above quote from Carroll Shelby, the renowned American car engineer famous for muscle cars such as the Shelby Cobra, invoked the thought, how many great new teaching initiatives or delivery ideas have been developed but have yet to gain traction to have any significant impact. Many pedagogical theories never gained traction because teachers feared change, Often teaching the same way they were taught. Imagine the potential impact on learners if some of these initiatives had gained traction.

Why does Ofsted focus so much on CPD? Where pedagogy skills are underdeveloped, the impact on the learner is often slow progress. It’s crucial to find the right strategies for your learners, as this can significantly improve their learning outcomes. Taking a scatter-gun approach to pedagogy and teacher development is a risk strategy, as staff struggle to have a specific focus because leaders often come up with the latest idea that sparkles but has no long-term substance. Remember that different levels will require different strategies. Developing pedagogical approaches in experiential learning and assessment for learning are time-proven approaches that make a difference.

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