
October Insights 2024

The revised Inspection Handbook refers to personal data Ofsted may hold. This includes information about staff employment and performance, staff’s personal opinions relevant to their work, details of previous employment/references from staff files, and other suitability checks. We find the reference to staff’s personal views about their work interesting and wonder how damaging any negative views may be to an inspection outcome.

Members often ask when we might be inspected, and it is not easy to answer as inspection dates are closely guarded. However, the first indication appears on the first page of the inspection reports portal. The Inspection handbook provides further clues for good and outstanding providers by stating previous inspection records, self-assessment reports, performance data, destination data, information provided, or concerns raised by a funding body. The Handbook states: Providers should approach their inspection with integrity and be open, transparent and honest. This includes providing evidence – or access to evidence – enabling the inspectors to report honestly, fairly and reliably. It means not withholding or concealing evidence or providing false, misleading or inaccurate information.

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