
September Insights 2024

It’s been an interesting month as regards inspections. August saw many new providers enter the scene and receive their new provider monitoring visits; interestingly, all achieved at least reasonable progress. It may interest readers to know there are around 150 providers who have not been inspected under the EIF, with the earliest going back to 2015. Considering how the
EIF has evolved since its introduction in 2019, it is hardly surprising that many of those not inspected for a long time see their grade change, including some former outstanding providers dropping to Good.

We recommend monitoring our data charts on the dashboard. These are updated each month and produce insight into the most frequently identified areas for improvement. While CPD and staff training are at the forefront, closely followed by achievement, we are noticing how many published reports identify feedback to learners as an AFI. Over a year ago, we commented on progress from the starting point as an AFI; over the past year, this became less, mainly because providers had primarily addressed the issue. However, it is surfacing again, likely due to a different learner cohort. It’s worth managers monitoring this one.

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