April Insights 2024

As reported last month, the focus remains on staff teaching skills and CPD. Learning strategies such as Bloom’s taxonomy to scaffold learning may be fifty years old, but the principles and process of knowledge and understanding before being able to develop and create still apply. Is there a danger that we chase the latest sparkling new concept in developing staff
skills when tried and traditional techniques have stood the test of time?

Pedagogy, from Ancient Greek, can be defined as the science and practice of teaching. ‘Peda’ means child, and ‘andra’ means adult, so in the L&S sector, we should more appropriately refer to andragogy. A new term for you is Heutagogy, the facilitation of self-directed learning, something many of you deliver.

As CPD is an aspect identified at inspection, providers need a strategy. How well do you plan? Is there a structured rationale based on evidence of need? Is the focus on pedagogy or andragogy? How well are all teachers/tutors supported in developing outstanding teaching and learning skills? Do you engage coaches and support staff in specific CPD to develop their skills or expect them to fit in with teachers?

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