What do good and better behaviour and attitudes look like?
The majority of providers perform well in outcomes for behaviours and attitudes. The
extract from an outstanding 6th Form is an excellent example of what inspectors may
expect to see and nicely sums up the criteria identified in the handbook.
Students’ behaviour is impeccable. Students attend well, work hard in lessons and are polite in their
interactions with peers, staff and other adults. This is because leaders foster a strong culture
of respect. Staff hold students to account for their behaviour through fairly applied rewards
and sanctions. On occasion, students find the rules too strict. However, the vast majority
appreciate the resulting benefits of being able to work in a calm, productive environment.
The word ‘impeccable’ sets this aside. What does impeccable behaviours look like?
Remember, this was a 6th Form, and an employer’s or ILP’s expectations may rightly
differ. This is an opportunity for providers to consider the equivalent within industry.
For example; Highly professional, immaculate, flawless, and superior. We need to
elevate and vary our terminology if we are going to persuade Ofsted that industry
has the equivalent in the workplace
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