May Insights 2024

To be successful, providers must rely on management data to monitor performance trends. Most recent MI software systems are extremely good at producing consistent reports, mainly where reports were previously created on spreadsheets or less detailed software systems, resulting in versions telling a different story. As we have previously said, introducing new systems, strategies, or policies a few months prior to inspection shows little, if any, measurable impact.

Fin has generated detailed inspection data over the past two years, making this more accessible to members. However, it is about something other than having data and more about how you will use it. For example, the chart on areas for improvement spans the previous six months; the current trend is around staff skills, CPD and pedagogy. It may be something different in a few months, so how will you use this information to be well prepared rather than a last-gasp dash a few weeks before inspectors ring the doorbell? Currently, achievement is catching up on CPD; could this be the new focus? Getting as many achievements by yearend as possible is advisable.

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