The Fellowship of Inspection Nominees is a unique organisation that provides invaluable assistance and guidance to the prison nominee and other key staff integral to help achieve a successful HMIP and Ofsted inspection.
Meeting the support needs of the nominees all year round to grow a culture of high-quality management and delivery.
“After a poor HMIP/Ofsted inspection in 2016 as Governor I needed a fresh look at how our prisoner education provision was being delivered and quality assured. It was apparent that the in-house knowledge and skills level needed something new to adequately meet the expectations of HMIP & Ofsted. I was recommended Kerry Boffey and fin.
Kerry duly agreed to undertake a series of workshops with key senior stakeholders. For both my senior management team and I it was one of those light bulb moments. We had an insight into inspection frameworks, how to prepare thoroughly for inspection, know that there was support and resources available. Most valuable was gaining an appreciation of what the Inspectors were looking for. Not what we thought and/or wanted them to look for.
Kerry and fin undoubtedly put my team and I on a much better trajectory and a significantly improved Ofsted outcome”.
Ian West, Governor HMPYOI Swinfen Hall.
Benefits of membership includes
Access to highly professional technical support and guidance relating to the new Education Inspection Framework (EIF).
- Expert confidential remote support when you need it most.
- Self-assessment quality indicators and tools to enable nominees to evaluate provision accurately to minimise risk at inspection and maximise the potential for a positive
Guidance, and essential tools on how to effectively showcase your provision at inspection.
Invitations to regular network meetings to share best practice, discuss recent inspection findings and strategies for success helping to understand the new inspection methodology.
Supported by specialist quality improvement advisors, experienced in Offender Learning, prison industries and purposeful activity.
Tailored safeguarding resource for use with learners and supporting staff promoting safeguarding, British Values, Equality and Diversity and PREVENT.
Access a full range of masterclasses and specialised training – discounted rates from fin members.
Building a whole prison approach to inspection
Designed to strengthen and support the role of nominee to ensure your organisation is ‘inspection ready’ to achieve the best possible outcome at inspection.
To help:
- Governors
- Heads of Learning and Skills
- Learning and Skills Managers
- Heads of Reducing Reoffending
- Industry managers
- Gym Managers
- Operational staff
Across all Education Training and Employment within Judicial services.
In addition to the nominee each establishment with be provided with three additional log-in codes to access networking opportunities, resources and support.
For general enquiries
Resources for members include:
- All available through the Quantum computer system, everything you need to prepare for the new Education Inspection Framework (EIF)
- Detailed current inspection outcomes analysis. Find out what’s happening across the new inspection landscape.
- Extensive range of resources to reinforce Equality and Diversity, safeguarding arrangements, PREVENT and raise awareness of British Values to strengthen your
- Guidance notes on high quality policies and procedures for, key management and delivery arrangement to help build a culture of quality in line with the new EIF.
- Points to consider that may be raised at inspection – with learners, colleagues and/or employers to help with inspection preparation. Helping your staff to feel confident in their preparation
- Accessible though Quantum computers, training materials to raise awareness of inspection related issues and provide
- Up to date information and statutory requirements. The latest updates at your fingertips, find out what you need to know, when you need to know
Membership Fees
Annual fee per establishment including sign-up £1,500 plus VAT at 20% (£1,800 including vat)
The Fellowship of Inspection Nominees is an approved supplier on the BRAVO solution/DPS website.
Category code: 80101900 Human Resources, Training & Education consultancy.
Or can be purchased Single Operating Platform (SOP)
Supporting quality improvement and inspection preparation for more information about membership email